Background of using DH-63 Peltier Cooler Dehumidifier: A high humidity environment is a big impact factor on power transmission and transformation equipment. It will bring discharge, flashover will eventually cause the switch to trip, and even burning down equipment will cause a large-scale blackout. Switchgear, electrical cabinet, exchange control cabinets, outdoor terminal boxes, Due to the compact internal equipment installation, wet and condensation will be more serious consequences.

At present, most users choose heating, ventilation, and other methods to prevent condensation. but in some well-sealed cabinets and high-temperature environments, the traditional heating and exhaust air method is hard to work well.

Blue Jay company developed the DH-63 Peltier Cooler Dehumidifier using semiconductor technology, in a certain place to lead to controlled condensation, making the cabinet interior humidity fall to a safe value. This cooler dehumidifier is designed for ultra-small install size, is high-efficiency energy-saving, and does not need an extra heater and fan wiring. And comes with a data acquisition module for remote monitoring, It‘s an efficient and reliable device to replace the old thermostat and heater/fan combination.


DH021 DH061 DH062 DH063 DH081 DH141
Working power
Power supply 85V~265VAC/DC 50Hz
Peltier rated power(1) 20W 60W 60W 60W 75W 200W
Air volume flow 30m3/h 70m3/h 70m3/h 70m3/h 100m3/h 140m3/h
Dehumidifying capacity 100ml/Day 250ml/Day 250ml/Day 300ml/Day 350ml/Day 600ml/Day
@35°C,90%RH @35°C,90%RH @35°C,90%RH @35°C,90%RH @35°C,90%RH @35°C,90%RH
Measurement and ability
Humidity monitor range 20%RH~98%RH
Sensor accuracy ±5%RH
Dehumidify start threshold 45%RH~98%RH, Default 65%RH
Environment temperature 5~60°C
Temperature monitor range -40~80°C
Sensor accuracy ±1.0°C
Heater start threshold 1~55°C, Default 5°C
Heater power 50~500W optional
Physical dimension 75*90*53 102*171*73 102*140*62 132*245*67 138*150*70 242*247*67
Screen 2*3 digital LED 2digital LED 2*3 digital LED 2digital LED 2*3 digital LED 2digital LED
Standards IEC60255-22-1
Communication RS485, modbus-RTU (Optional)


1. The choice of the rated power is related to the cabinet’s inner volume and airtightness, and the general reference value is:
0.5cubic meter cabinet choose 15w
1.0cubic meter cabinet choose 30w
1.5cubic meter cabinet choose 40w
2.0cubic meter cabinet choose 60w
Cabinet volume is calculated according to the inner diameter, Length*Width*Height
2. Sensor accuracy of 5% is tested with the inside probe, product optional external cable type sensor. Please contact the sales team before ordering.
3. Device provides passive NO contact for external heater connection, capacity is AC250V5A. Users can free to order heaters or purchase with the DN series.